Welcome to the ACAI-2019/HAISS-2019 web site!
The Advanced Course on AI (ACAI) is a specialized course in Artificial Intelligence sponsored by EurAI.
This year the main theme of the school will be AI for Multi-Agent Worlds.
At the same time, the event constitutes the 2019 Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Summer School, sponsored by EETN, the Hellenic AI Society
The School will also include a special track on Cognitive Systems, organised by the Open University of Cyprus and the University of Cyprus, and sponsored by the Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ). This will constitute part of the distance learning masters on Cognitive Systems offered by these universities it Cyprus.
Finally, the school will be co-located with the Twenty Years of the Price of Anarchy (20PoA) workshop, a celebratory meeting aiming to chart out the impact of the price of anarchy in game-theoretic thinking.
Entrance to the above events will be free to all ACAI-2019 participants!
We live at a time when Artificial Intelligence is in the news every single day. Now, more than ever before, is the time to promote the study, research and application of Artificial Intelligence in Europe: this is exactly the stated aim of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence EurAI (formerly ECCAI), which organizes ACAI at least once every second year.
The success of the different ACAI editions is essential not only for the mutual benefit of AI research groups, but also in forming future generations of AI researchers in Europe.
ACAI provides a wide range of state-of-the-art courses given by some of the most prominent researchers in the area.
A typical course is broad enough to provide a general introduction to the chosen topic, whilst also students can learn the most relevant contributions in depth.
This year, the School offers a well-balanced tutorial curriculum, which covers many important AI topics with application in multi-agent worlds, such as AI Ethics, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Logic, Robotics, Game Theory, AI for Digital Games, and more. Check out the lecturers and tentative tutorial topics at the Tutors section.
EurAI will be providing scholarships for covering at least part of the costs for attending the School. Details on amounts and application procedure are provided in the Scholarships section.
The Hellenic AI Society (EETN) will also be providing scholarships to EETN student members that wish to attend ACAI-2019/HAISS-2019. Details for the application procedure can be found at the EETN website