Karl Tuyls


Karl Tuyls (FBCS) is a research scientist at DeepMind, a professor of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, UK, and a Guest Professor at the University of Leuven, Belgium. Previously, he held positions at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Hasselt University, Eindhoven University of Technology, and Maastricht University. At the University of Liverpool he was director of research of the school of Electrical Engineering & Electronics and Computer Science. He founded and led the smARTLab robotics laboratory since 2013 (http://wordpress.csc.liv.ac.uk/smartlab/). Prof. Tuyls has received several awards with his research, amongst which: the Information Technology prize 2000 in Belgium, best demo award at AAMAS’12, winner of the German Open robocup@work competitions in 2013 and 2014, world champion of the RoboCup@Work competitions in 2013 and 2014, winner of the RoCKIn@work competition in 2015. Furthermore, his research has received substantial attention from national and international press and media (http://karltuyls.net). He is a fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS), is on the editorial board of the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, and is editor-in-chief of the Springer briefs series on Intelligent Systems. Prof. Tuyls is also a member of the board of directors of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (www.ifaamas.org).